Berlinale 2022: The Novelist’s Film

The Novelists Film

Hong Sang-Soo’s latest, The Novelist’s Film, is his third consecutive entry to the Berlinale Film Festival, and also his third consecutive win. This time, he took home the Grand Jury Prize and here’s hoping for a Golden Bear sometime soon.

This time, we follow author Junhee (Lee Hyu-Young) while she goes about her business, meets up with acquaintances, and finds a new friend in an actress contemplating early retirement (Kim Min-Hee). It is this last chance encounter that sparks the idea of making a short movie in Junhee, who reflects on her writing and the filmmaking process.

Those who are familiar with Hong’s work will recognise the long takes and the charming conversations over soju, the quirky humour and the distinctive zooming. What stands out, however, is the introspection that Hong brings into The Novelist’s Film. He has probably never made such a metatextual movie, and we wonder at every step of the way how much is he actually letting us on in.

Aptly so, the ending feels like a movie within a movie within a movie, and the fourth wall is broken in what is arguably one of the sweetest moments ever to be committed to film.

Photo Copyright: Jeonwonsa Film Co. Production

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